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  • from:               Won Moon <email redacted>
    to:                    Alexis Timko <email redacted>
    cc:                   Carla Rivera <email redacted>; Scott E. Shapiro <email redacted>  
    date:                Oct 7, 2024, 9:21 PM
    subject:            Re: LA Times – Comment Request

    Hello Ms. Timko,

    I received your email.

    As you know, my attorney, Scott E. Shapiro, previously sent a response in August 2022 (together with other attorneys representing other clients) concerning the baseless accusations against me and the unfair investigation which resulted in the Hueston Report.  That unfair investigation was conducted, and that “Report” was drafted, by a law firm headed by Mr. Hueston, who has previously represented UCLA in Court.

    Clearly, anyone would question how such a firm could act as a shield and a sword for UCLA, but supposedly be independent and not looking out for UCLA’s interests when I contemporaneously had real claims and concerns about UCLA’s conduct and had expressed the same. I dropped my claims as part of a settlement because I believed it was better, for everyone’s sake, to move on. I did not want to drag my students into my battle with UCLA, nor did I want to engage in lengthy and expensive litigation with UCLA. Instead, as always, I focused, and continue to focus, my attention and energy on positive endeavors.

    I respectfully decline to have an interview at this time. 

    Of course, you may contact my attorney. I understand you have his information.

    Very truly yours, 

    Won Moon

    On Sun, Oct 6, 2024 at 11:51 AM Alexis Timko <email redacted> wrote:

    Good afternoon Dr. Moon,

    My name is Alexis Timko and I’m a reporter working on a story for the Los Angeles Times. 

    I recently received a copy of the full “Hueston Report,” which investigated allegations that you, Kang Eric Ting and Jin Hee Kwak had solicited international postgraduate students for unauthorized fees. The report found that you had been involved in improper governmental activities, including fraud, extortion and violations of conflict of interest laws. 

    I wanted to give you an opportunity to comment on the report before publication. If you are available, I would love to set up an interview. 

    My deadline is 4pm on Tuesday.

    You can reach me at this email address or <phone number redacted>.

    Thanks in advance,
